What Do We Do?

Everybody has a story.

We help you tell yours.

Pen&Keys helps you find the right words at the right time.

We're more than just advertising and marketing


your story is BIGGER than that.

What do we do?

*deep breath*

Would you like advertising that works as advertised?  Pen&Keys
How about Marketing that hits the mark? Pen&Keys
Want your socials to be more social? Pen&Keys
Need creative copy that is always creative, never copied? Pen&Keys
Does your resume need renovating? Pen&Keys
Pressed for a Press Release? Pen&Keys
Need assistance with funding applications? Pen&Keys
Looking for content that leaves visitors content? Pen&Keys
Are your team’s customer service skills in need of some shine? Pen&Keys
Starting a start-up? Pen&Keys
Does your business need a plan? Pen&Keys
Pondering a proposal? Pen&Keys
Could your reputation use some resuscitation? Pen&Keys
Want relatable public relations? Pen&Keys
Did you commit a public faux pas that needs to be publicly fixed?
Pen&Keys even does that!
